Monday 21 February 2011

London for Lilliputions

There is a London that exists on a micro scale. It is a city so small that it sits on top of a table, inhabiting a single room. You can travel from Paddington to the Olympic site in approximately six long strides without so much as a swipe of your Oyster Card. This mini-land is accessible to all and can be found on Store Street, WC1E 7BT.

I decided a visit to the Building Centre was in order to check out the area that surrounds the part of town that I am thinking of moving to. After eleven years in Bayswater, it is time to move not only south of the river but also east to the corner of London named, Bermondsey. I can not deny that it will be a struggle to tear myself away from W2 but the cost per square foot in SE16 is very appealing, plus the fact that it is right on the river. Of course I have also walked around Bermondsey, done my homework and been there at different times of the day, so the Store Street visit was really for another perspective, namely birdseye. It is enjoyable to see the lay of the land, spot the building where you live and witness the recent changes to the city skyline with the new buildings mapped out in white. Running the length of the map is also the route of Crossrail. We've all seen and tripped over the many holes that are currently springing up all over town and here you can understand the path that these new trains will take. It is an exciting spread. Move over Gulliver this lilliput land is for every Londoner.